Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Design, when it is intuitive, does not come from nothing or divine inspiration.
All model springs from any primary idea then works until you get to where we want.
Sometimes the subject suggests the idea, and sometimes it is the idea that suggests what design with it.
A couple of days ago I made this spiral, very Maekawano (this pattern already has been explored by many others times much I).
The single way itself is nice.But even more Maekawano is to insert a geometric inside of a model, idea as it is the case for example with with your Turkey fractal queue.Fractal design is worth in itself, but only used as part of an animal enhances its value.

Turning to the spiral, this COP is correponde with "outbreaks" of the photo, here dubbed "tant" green paper of 15 x 15.
The idea of this simplicĂ­simo model is only displaying the spiral on a closed basis allowing you to stand vertically.
The number of triangles that can be added depends on the size of the role and skills of the dubber.
With Designer mentality, the next step is to find how to use this geometrically as part a model.
She was already discussed in other entries on this blog specifics "design by Parties".
Many times model has to adapt to "the part" we have already designed, somehow all figure revolves around it.
If all goes well "the party" must look properly, even highlight, but not be contrived or forced into the design.
The first design that was suggested by the shape of the spiral is this simple parrot.Part of the geometric pattern is used for the head and neck of the animal.The primary idea, in this case the spiral, exits some already know ways to make heads of birds to give something of delicacy model.
Seen in this case the steps of the spiral are folded outwards to take advantage of the color change.
The second model shown here is the result of a reasoning that has given birth to more than one model and is a classic of origami design: everything that can be bent to a point, probably from can be folded in two, three or four.
Put another way, if working in a "base Comet", let's see how it works on a "fish basis" or "bird".(See for example 3 shells of Robert Lang Origami Sea Life series)
With spirals on opposite ends of the role, design with horns is then almost natural.
This head El Malo is doubly Maekawana, closing with some logic, the circle where it began.
For this design I used the criterion that the volume was given by folds perfectly straight without any training.
It seems to me that initial aesthetic determined by horns was respected in this way.
Bending them, if possible, are all multiples of 22.5 fascinating grados.Es continue to explore the possibilities of this type of
angles to give multifaceted forms integrated into the mask modelo.La volume is completely closed and firmly trancada by all sides without fold wet or spark.
We must be always outstanding of these abstract, interesting or innovative ways discovered or not by chance, and explore possibilities have be applied to the reality of the design.
Many times, as in this mask, the spiral is not even strictly necessary design: horns could have been made in several other ways.
However the form geomérica acted as a catalyst and the style guide used.
Let it into account as a design tool.

View the original article here

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